22 NOV 2013 by ideonexus

 Game That Adds 7.5 Minutes to Your Life

Now, I could tell you what these four types of strength are, but I'd rather you experience them firsthand. I'd rather we all start building them up together right now. So here's what we're going to do. We're going to play a quick game together. This is where you earn those seven and a half minutes of bonus life that I promised you earlier. All you have to do is successfully complete the first four SuperBetter quests. And I feel like you can do it. I have confidence in you. So, everybody read...
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Quick game that hits on four aspects of a healthy life. The speaker then suggests using those seven minutes on actions that will get you even more longevity.

03 JAN 2011 by ideonexus

 Internet Rule: Don't Get Into Silly Fights

If you forget this rule, the visibility you will have on the Net is likely to remind you. (Too often, people get into ridiculous flame wars that are embarrasing to all who watch.) In general, it is easier to walk away from conflicts on the Net than it may be in real life. You can refuse to read someone's mail and refuse to let him provoke you once you've left an argument. Just don't let public postings lure you back in. If something or someone is holding you back or annoying you, you don't ne...
Folksonomies: internet virtues flame wars
Folksonomies: internet virtues flame wars
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A great principle for life online. Avoid flame wars. They just make you and the other person look silly to the whole world.